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A sneak peak of an upcoming report called Just Joking: Deepfakes, Satire, Gaslighting and the Politics of Synthetic Media. In their ongoing collaboration, Human Rights organization WITNESS and Co-Creation Studio at MIT Open Documentary Lab are releasing a new report in Fall 2021, an analysis of over 70 recent deepfake cases from around the world, framed with critical questions and discussion. For Double Exposure, Sam Gregory (WITNESS) and Katerina Cizek (CoCr) assemble a diverse cast of panelists to show, discuss and debate some of these recent deepfakes (some funny/some not, some satirical/some not) and to surface key questions in the turbulent social media waters of deliberate and accidental mis-contextualization, misinformation and disinformation. What’s deceit or attack? Who decides what’s funny, what’s fair, and who is accountable?